The origins of MASSO (Spanish company) date back to 1885 dedicated to chemistry. COMERCIAL QUÍMICA MASSÓ, S.A. was founded as new company in 1960 expanding the scope to various industrial sectors.
The company develops its distribution and own products businesses in many sectors and countries under the philosophy of independence, strength, reinvestment and forming teams of people able to cope with present and future challenges.
Masso has been working in biocides and agrochemical market since their origins, as distributor of active ingredients, also as manufacturer of our own formulated products for Pest Control (PCO) and Agriculture.
We contacted Stewardships Solutions when we decided to tackle one of the greatest challenges facing the company in the last years, the registration of an active ingredient under Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 (BPR), to assure availability on the market, in accordance with article 95.
They helped us with the general project management, revision of our IUCLID dossier, including summaries using test reports, PNEC & DNEL estimations, input of new details & merging new files to improve the quality of the dossier.
They were always at our side even during holiday season, doing all efforts to ensure that the dossier was submitted on time.
I would like to thank once again the professionalism, easily accessible and quick response throughout the process, and I recommend Dr. Chris Eacott and Stewardship Solutions for whatever your business may need.
Rosana Marin,
Regulatory Affairs,
Comercial Química Massó,
S.A.,Viladomat, 321, 5ª planta,
08029 Barcelona,