ICT Innovative Chemical Technologies Inc

Innovative Chemical Technologies Inc is a rapidly growing chemical company that has an extensive range of surface modification technologies. Our specialty products are used by many different industries in more than 40 countries.

The European market is a key sector for our diverse customer base so the implementation of REACh is important to our future growth. Chris Eacott of Stewardship Solutions has provided insightful instruction through the data gathering process needed to build a dossier. As an example one of our chemistries did not fit the standard protocols. This was a particularly challenging time for my team but through an iterative process of review together we developed data for the requirement. The technical expertise of Chris’s team led the way.

Stewardship Solutions is a unique group of talented individuals that work well together and contribute their expertise when needed. Through them we submitted inquires for Letters of Access. His staff are keen negotiators and in many cases were able to bring the cost down. I would not have been able to do this on my own.

As we approach the deadline his team was sensitive to our need to show progress to our downstream customers. Through their efforts we were able to give reassurance that Innovative Chemical Technologies Inc would be ready for the 2018 deadline and beyond.

I highly recommend Stewardship Solutions for OR representation. Chris and his team will guide you through the maze of regulations and help you get and maintain registration for your products.


Susan Feeser

Sr. Regulatory Manager

Innovative Chemical Technologies Inc.